srijeda, 29. siječnja 2014.

Eco toys for children

Toys should be safe for kids to play with and also kind to our planet. 

Excellent toys are those which crafted from natural, sustainable, recyclable, biodegradable and/or recycled materials. My First Green Toys First Keys
They should be safe, non-toxic, educational and encourage imaginative play.

The above are wooden toys of Hrvatsko zagorje-on the UNESCO's list of protected intangible culture phenomena of the world

 simple, original... what Zagorje children used to play with

What materials are the greenest and why?

What materials are the greenest and why?

Terra: For new clothes, if you can find clothing made out of organic cotton, hemp, bamboo, recycled polyester, or Tencel (made from wood pulp) -- these are the more eco-friendly fabrics. 

Organic cotton is currently one of the more commonly found eco-friendly materials.  To grow and process regular cotton (also called "conventional cotton"), it usually requires a lot of intensive chemicals and pesticides -- and some people feel that the residue from those chemicals stay in this cotton after a shirt or pants are made.  However, with organic cotton the farmers are required to grow the cotton without toxic fertilizers and pesticides.  This is of great benefit to you, so that you're not exposed to these chemicals, as well as great benefit to our soils, water, and beneficial insects (like bees).

Hemp is not as common but has great promise because it requires little-to-no pesticides or herbicides, less water to grow, and can be turned into several different types of fabrics -- faux silk, linen, knit, stretch, canvas, and muslin.

Other fabrics like bamboo, recycled polyester, and Tencel are great for reasons of using less resources to grow (bamboo), re-using (recycled polyester), and being biodegradable and chemical free.

ponedjeljak, 27. siječnja 2014.

petak, 24. siječnja 2014.

Eco-friendly toys for children

Eco-friendly soap

Natural is always the best!
Eco friendly soap
There’s little shortage of scientific proof why you should wash with eco-friendly soap rather than synthetically produced antibacterial soap, which can be detrimental to both your health and the environment’s.
Even those who exclusively clean with biodegradable soap at home, however, may at some point be faced with a dilemma: being exposed to potentially contagious germs (think: shaking hands with someone at a party who just sneezed, or going to the bathroom in an airport) or cleaning their hands with, say, antibacterial soap.
Assuming your immune system is strong, if you don’t have access to eco-friendly soap outside your home, consider risking exposure to some bacteria rather than using non-biodegradable soap, especially antibacterial varieties, which may:
  • Weaken your immune system
  • Decrease fertility
  • Alter hormones
  • Cause birth defects
Triclosan found in several products, declared ‘toxic’ by the EPA: The Orthodontic Cyber Journal reports that triclosan, developed about 30 years ago, is found in many household products, including popular name-brand soaps. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has registered triclosan, found in anti-microbial and anti-bacterial-marketed soaps, as a pesticide.
Studies, such as one published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, have also proven that triclosan negatively impacts cardiac and skeletal muscle health. Another study in Toxological Sciences concluded that triclosan impaired thyroid hormones in rats.

A common ingredient in eco-friendly soap [here’s an example of a soap that helps preserves orangutan habitat] is lye. If you need an environmentally friendly upgrade to your home, also consider soaps that are made exclusively from plant oils and do not contain animal-derived sources, common in most leading brand-name soaps.
Home-grown eco-friendly soap: If you want to make your own home-made eco-friendly soap, one way to do so requires just three ingredients: water, oil and lye.
There are also online recipes for shea butter soap and many other varieties of eco-friendly soap. Just remember to pack some with you next time you’re out and about.

Easy homemade soap

homemade soap

Here is some general homemade soap information
Soap is made in two parts, lye and water, plus a mixture of oilw. The two don't combine easily, so they must be brought to similar temperatures. Lye and water get very hot when mixed, so the mixture must cool before being added to the oils.
The oils must be gently heated. The oil is nowhere near hot enough to cook with, but still, please do not start any fires. Every oil has a different saponification index, which is a measure of how much lye is required to turn that oil into soap. This means, if you run out of coconut oil, don't go replacing it with olive oil.

nedjelja, 19. siječnja 2014.

The miracle of flower blooming

A flower, sometimes known as a bloom or blossom, is the reproductive structure found in flowering plants (plants of the division Magnoliophyta, also called angiosperms). The biological function of a flower is to effect reproduction, usually by providing a mechanism for the union of sperm with eggs. Flowers may facilitate outcrossing (fusion of sperm and eggs from different individuals in a population) or allow selfing (fusion of sperm and egg from the same flower). 

Christmas Lily (Lilium longiflorum). 1. Stigma, 2. Style, 3. Stamens, 4. Filament, 5. Petal

Some flowers produce diaspores without fertilization (parthenocarpy). Flowers contain sporangia and are the site where gametophytes develop. Flowers give rise to fruit and seeds. Many flowers have evolved to be attractive to animals, so as to cause them to be vectors for the transfer of pollen.
they are stunning when/while blooming!

flower- a miracle "per se" - the best gift one can think of and a perfection of Nature!
DOWN:Eight Flowers, a painting by artist Qian Xuan, 13th century, Palace Museum, Beijing.

quotes on ecology







One touch of nature makes the whole world kin.


Nature goes her own way, and all that to us seems an exception is really according to order.
GOETHE, Conversations with Goethe
I must go to Nature disarmed of perspective and stretch myself like a large transparent canvas upon her in the hope that, my submission being perfect, the imprint of a beautiful and useful truth would be taken.
JOHN UPDIKE, The Centaur
Man is Nature's sole mistake.
W.S. GILBERT, Princess Ida
Nature, in her indifference, makes no distinction between good and evil.
ANATOLE FRANCE, The Revolt of the Angels

Nature, with equal mind,
Sees all her sons at play,
Sees man control the wind,
The wind sweep man away.
MATTHEW ARNOLD, Empedocles on Etna

Gie me ae spark o' Nature's fire,
That's a' the learning I desire.
ROBERT BURNS, First Epistle to John Lapraik
When Nature has work to be done, she creates a genius to do it.

Nature is but a name for an effect,
Whose cause is God.
Never, no, never did Nature say one thing and Wisdom say another.
EDMUND BURKE, Letters on a Regicide Peace

There is pleasure in the pathless woods,
There is a rapture on the lonely shore,
There is society, where none intrudes,
By the deep sea, and music in its roar:
I love not man the less, but Nature more,
From these our interviews, in which I steal
From all I may be, or have been before,
To mingle with the Universe, and feel
What I can ne'er express, yet cannot all conceal.
LORD BYRON, Childe Harold
Nature has no compassion. Nature accepts no excuses and the only punishment it knows is death.
ERIC HOFFER, Reflections on the Human Condition
All Nature wears one universal grin.
HENRY FIELDING, Tom Thumb the Great
Even minor tampering with nature is apt to bring serious consequences, as did the introduction of a single chemical (DDT). Genetic engineering is tampering on a monumental scale, and nature will surely exact a heavy toll for this trespass.
All things are artificial, for nature is the art of God.
Nature admits no lie.
THOMAS CARLYLE, Latter-Day Pamphlets
The volume of Nature is the book of knowledge.
OLIVER GOLDSMITH, Citizen of the World

Nature, hating art and pains,
Baulks and baffles plotting brains;
Casualty and Surprise
Are the apples of her eyes.
Mid-summer ... when the alchemy of Nature transmutes the sylvan landscape to one vivid and almost homogeneous mass of green; when the senses are well-nigh intoxicated with the surging seas of moist verdure and the subtly indefinable odours of the soil and the vegetation. In such surroundings the mind loses its perspective; time and space become trivial and unreal, and echoes of a forgotten prehistoric past beat insistently upon the enthralled consciousness.
H. P. Lovecraft, "The Tomb"
Where a love of natural beauty has been cultivated, all nature becomes a stupendous gallery, as much superior in form and in coloring to the choicest collections of human art, as the heavens are broader and loftier than the Louvre or the Vatican.
HORACE MANN, A Few Thoughts for a Young Man

The world's a scene of changes, and to be
Constant, in Nature were inconstancy.

Nature is a temple where living pillars
Sometimes emit confused words;
There man passes through the forests of symbols
Which observe him with familiar looks.
Nature, always inartistic, takes pleasure in creating the impossible.
JEROME K. JEROME, "Reginald Blake, Financier and Cad"
Look at a tree, a flower, a plant. Let your awareness rest upon it. How still they are, how deeply rooted in Being. Allow nature to teach you stillness.
ECKHART TOLLE, Stillness Speaks
The heart of Nature soothes the heart of man,
If with his heart he looks into her eyes.
A place of leaves, wide air, and sunny skies,
Will soothe him more than even woman can.
The artist labors while he may,
But finds at best too brief the day;
And, tho' his works outlast the time
And nation that they make sublime,
He feels and sees that Nature knows
Nothing of time in what she does,
But has a leisure infinite
Wherein to do her work aright.
HENRY ABBEY, "Along the Nile"
As an authoress Nature is open to criticism, for her Book hath neither beginning, middle, nor end.
RICHARD GARNETT, De Flagello Myrtes
Munificent nature follows the methods of the divine and true, and rounds all things to her perfect law. While nations are convulsed with blood and violence, how quietly the grass grows.
E. H. CHAPIN, Living Words
A wise old mother is Nature--
She guideth her children's feet
In many a flowery pathway;
And her strong life-currents beat,
Sometimes in intricate channels--
As a mountain stream may run--
But ever her purpose triumphs,
And ever the goal is won.
Her eyes are the eyes of Argus,
And she utters her decree:
The brook shall come to the river,
And the river shall reach the sea.
That which distinguishes man from the brute is his power, in dealing with Nature, to milk her laws, and make them give forth their bounty.
HENRY WARD BEECHER, Proverbs from Plymouth Pulpit
To every one [Nature] appears in a form of his own. She hides herself in a thousand names and terms, and is always the same.
JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE, The Maxims and Reflections of Goethe

The muffled syllables that Nature speaks
Fill us with deeper longing for her word;
She hides a meaning that the spirit seeks,
She makes a sweeter music than is heard.
GEORGE SANTAYANA, "Premonition," A Hermit of Carmel and Other Poems
Browse Nature Quotes II
Browse Nature Quotes III
Browse Nature Quotes IV
Nature Poems - a collection of poetry on nature.
Nature - Wikipedia article.
Nature - PBS documentaries.
National Geographic
Read Ralph Waldo Emerson's essay on Nature


WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE, Troilus and Cressida

By viewing nature, nature's handmaid art,
Makes mighty things from small beginnings grow:
Thus fishes first to shipping did impart,
Their tail the rudder, and their head the prow.
JOHN DRYDEN, Annus Mirabilis

WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE, Troilus and Cressida

WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE, Troilus and Cressida

By viewing nature, nature's handmaid art,
Makes mighty things from small beginnings grow:
Thus fishes first to shipping did impart,
Their tail the rudder, and their head the prow.
JOHN DRYDEN, Annus Mirabilis